Non-destructive testing
Sateco is specialized in non-destructive testing on mountain lift systems for people and goods carriage and special units, through specific technologies and always up-to-date skills.
The Magneto-Inductive Technique (MIT) for testing of metal wire ropes is a non-destructive testing method which can be applied to most operating wire ropes, both in public and private transportation systems, and in yard and industrial plants. This technique consists in sliding the metal rope through a magneto-inductive equipment generating a field inside it. The equipment is connected to a recorder, which records the magnetic flow passing through the rope itself. Any defect (usually expressed as a decrease in the rope section, as they search for wires of broken strands, crushing, local breaks, etc.) causes a local and total variation of the originally induced field. As for acquisition, if there is an abnormal signal (peak) due to a defect, it is possible to qualitatively compare the amplitude with a reference signal generated by test wires (placed on a length of the rope to simulate an increase of the section).
The Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is a kind of non-destructive testing suitable for all ferromagnetic materials. The Magnetic Particle Inspection is based on the analysis of magnetic field variations which occur in case of surface or sub-surface defects. During the magnetic particle inspection (MPI), the component to be tested is magnetized by a magnetic field and on its surface some magnetic particles are applied; any cracks or defects inside the field cause a deviation in the flow lines and, accordingly, in magnetic particles, which group and create a discontinuity. Any signs or defects can be identified by natural (in case of technique with black magnetic particles on white background) or artificial (in case of fluorescent particles) light. Normative references for the magnetic particle inspection are:
The Penetrant Testing (PT) can be performed on any type of non-porous material. The penetrant testing is carried out by letting a red fluid substance at low tension penetrate by capillarity into surface discontinuities of the material to be tested. After a sufficient time frame, the fluid is removed using water, having a higher surface tension, which is not able to remove the fluid from material slits. After the washing, the red fluid is extracted using a developer which highlights the capillary rise of the fluid. So, clearly visible red areas will appear in damaged areas. It is also possible to use fluorescent fluids, which do not need a detector, but they require testing by UV light. Normative references for the penetrant testing are:
The ultrasonic testing (UT) is based on the propagation of elastic waves through the object to be examined and on monitoring of transmitted signal (Transmission technique) or of reflected signal from any surface or discontinuity (Reflection technique). Ultrasounds are, therefore, mechanical-type elastic waves transmitted into solid bodies (or in fluids by dipping techniques) to produce elastic oscillations around the equilibrium position in their molecules. Non-destructive ultrasonic testing is applicable for the inspection of welds and mechanical components (shafts, axles, pins) and are useful to detect the presence of inclusions in rolled products; they are also used for thickness measurements. The ultrasonic method is performed on industrial structures and on public and private transportation systems. Normative references for the ultrasonic testing are:
The visual testing (VT) is a non-destructive testing method which can be performed to the naked eye or with the help of lens or endoscopes. The visual testing needs a good experience in the field and allows to find the areas to be inspected by other testing methods. Direct visual testing can be performed remotely, by using a boroscope or a video endoscope, or directly. It is possible to use lens, lamps, and the like. For the visual testing results to be considered reliable, the test must be performed at 60 cm and lighting must be included between 150 and 600 lux. Normative references for the visual testing are:
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